It has been proven time and time again that students can’t reach their full academic potential unless they feel safe and supported in their homes and classrooms. Their basic needs – including physical, behavioral and psychological health and safety – must be met before they are mentally equipped to pursue academic learning.
As a follow-up to our widely popular “5 Pillars of Whole-Child Safety” webinar, we are launching a 5-part series that dives deeper into each individual pillar, including up to 30 minutes of Q&A that will allow attendees to engage with our subject matter experts. This is an opportunity to review best practices and ask for guidance on national trends or specific events taking place within your school or district since the new year started.
While every pillar within our Whole-Child Safety Framework is important, we understand one area might be more of a focus for you than another. Sign up for the session you are most interested in and be sure to share with your team members so they can do the same. With an ecosystem of holistic safety and wellness in place, K-12 schools are in a better position to promote the long-term development and success of children.
School Culture & Climate - Watch Now
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