Elevate Your School's Visitor Management with Navigate360

School safety is about prevention. The challenges schools face today cannot be addressed with outdated safety management tools and methods that leave them vulnerable and unprepared. Navigate360 is committed to meeting your evolving needs and elevating the effectiveness of your visitor management processes. We encourage all School Check In (SCI) users to consider the benefits of upgrading to a more robust, modern, and most importantly, secure system with Navigate360 Visitor Management (VM).

Visitor Management contains many of the features and functionality you know and love from School Check In but includes additional enhancements to elevate your school's security and optimize efficiency.

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Navigate360 Visitor Management & School Check In

Feature VM SCI
Functionality Per Building (Unlimited Stations per Building)
Sex Offender Check with Every Visitor & Volunteer Visit
Self-Service Check-In/Out
Mobile App for Staff, Substitutes, & Visitors
Edit or Deleted Staff & Substitute Visits
Activate/Deactivate Staff Profiles
Google Translate Integration at Self-Service Kiosk for Multi-Language Support
Ability to Send SMS Messages to Visitors from Visitor Profile
Integration with SIS via Clever/Classlink Integration
Guardian Notifications for Early Check-Out/Late Check-In
Staff Traveler Functionality
Integration with Navigate360 Emergency Management
PowerSchool SIS Writeback
Barcode/RFID Access for Students, Staff, & Substitutes
Auto Check-Out for Staff, Substitutes, Visitors, & Volunteers
Robust Reporting for Visitors, Students, Staff, Substitutes, & Volunteers
Set PowerSchool Attendance Mode at the District/Building Level
Instant Security Team Alerts
Districtwide Visibility

Recent Enhancements

Guardian Notifications

  • Notifications option added to the Visitor Profile of any visitor with at least one student linked to their profile.
  • Users can now manually add or update a visitor’s email directly from their Visitor Profile, allowing for guardians to receive email notifications without needing to invite them to the Visitor Check-In Mobile App.
  • Approved visitors can select which students they would like to receive Late Check-In and Early Check-Out notifications for once invited to the Visitor Check-In Mobile App.

Visitor Text Messages for Emergency Management Users

To further enhance visitor safety, VM now sends SMS alerts to visitors upon check-in, informing them that their visit details have been shared with Emergency Management (EM). *Active EM subscription required.


Enable Your Staff with a More Modern, Secure Solution to Safety & Efficiency

Security and convenience can be one in the same and a modern visitor management solution needs to have both without compromising one for the other. Here are five reasons you need to switch from the convenience of School Check In to the convenience AND security of Navigate360 Visitor Management:

  • Modern user interface - VM provides an easy-to-use and intuitive experience, seamlessly fitting into the users' day.
  • Mobile app – Visitors and substitutes can check in with a QR code when they schedule a visit in advance using the mobile app. Staff can scan the QR code directly from the app.
  • Continued investment & enhancements - VM is continuously updated to ensure customers have a modern and secure visitor management system. SCI will continue to receive normal maintenance throughout 2024-2025 school year. There are no new features scheduled to be added to the platform.
  • Sex offender check included - Continue to check every guest that walks through the door against the national sex offender registry.
  • Fan favorite features - Many of the features you know and love from SCI are available in VM, including barcode/RFID scanning, SIS integration, auto check-out, and more.

A School Safety Partner You Can Trust

Navigate360 is the leading provider of layered, holistic safety and well-being solutions tailored to the unique needs of schools and educators. By focusing on the challenges school administrators face in keeping students and staff safe, we provide the right mix of products, training, and guidance to help schools implement effective safety programs towards the achievement of zero incidents.

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