Funds under Title IV are allocated to develop, implement and evaluate comprehensive programs and activities that foster safe, healthy, supportive and drug-free environments to promote student academic achievement.
Navigate360 offers a proven digital student mental health and social-emotional learning program that is backed by research. Our curriculum includes but is not limited to:
Title IV funds are formula grants awarded to school districts for activities that support safe and healthy students. Congress has stipulated that at least 20% of a district’s Title IV funds must go toward safe and healthy schools, and 60% can be used to provide a well-rounded education, support effective use of technology or support safe and healthy schools. This means if a district is looking to implement solutions to prevent school violence, up to 80% of Title IV funds can be used for these purposes.
Allowable uses for Title IV funds include:
School-based mental health services
Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning and Restorative Curriculum (Suite360 from Evolution Labs)
Training for school personnel related to suicide prevention, drug abuse prevention, and bullying and harassment prevention
Navigate360 School Safety & Wellness Suite
Technologies that monitor learning platforms and alert schools about students whose communications indicate that they are in crisis
Navigate360 Social Media and E-mail Scanning Technology (powered by Social Sentinel)
Student support and academic achievement by promoting school climates that reduce the use of exclusionary discipline and advocate supportive school discipline
Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning and Restorative Curriculum (Suite360 from Evolution Labs)
Relationship-building skills to help improve safety through the recognition and prevention of coercion, violence or abuse
Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning and Restorative Curriculum (Suite360 from Evolution Labs)