10 Reasons Why a Certified Professional Should Conduct Your Risk Assessment

A lot of schools spend time managing their current safety operations and assets but don't step back to see what might be missing. A comprehensive risk assessment can help your schools uncover hidden weaknesses you may not know about.

Access our free eBook to discover why your schools should turn to a certified professional to assess your school's safety.


Download Now to Discover the 10 Reasons

You don't know what you don't know.
Download our eBook to discover 10 reasons why a certified professional should conduct your risk assessment.

Why Risk Assessments Need to Be Conducted by Professionals

Why Risk Assessments Need to Be Conducted by Professionals

To eliminate organizational and personal bias from a risk assessment, your schools should never self-assess. When it comes to hiring a professional to conduct your risk assessment, the benefits far exceed the costs.

  • Integrating equipment, people and procedures is a skill
    Certification and qualifications are weighted heavily in any liability proceedings involving risk management.
  • Professional certification is a rigorous process
    ASIS International board certification is the leading physical security designation in the private sector.
  • Thorough risk assessments look outside/in and inside/out
    Traditional surveys typically look only at the security measures that attempt to slow an approaching threat and provide time for response. An inside/out-outside/in survey looks at your training, infrastructure and evacuation routes for internal critical events.


You must know your risks to achieve a true culture of safety for your staff.


Identify risks based on an unbiased assessment and comprehensive analysis by board-certified professionals.


Protect your organization and ensure compliance as assessed by professionals.