Free eBook

Response Begins with Preparation: Equip Your Schools for the Unthinkable

This eBook addresses emergency planning for a variety of scenarios, emphasizing the ability of technology to streamline response efforts, facilitate communication, and minimize disruptions. We will also address the reality of violent critical incidents while highlighting the effective, options-based response we offer through ALICE Training ®.

While you can't predict all emergencies, you can help guarantee that your school is ready to respond to them.


Download Your Copy Today!

The Value of a Comprehensive Approach to Emergency Planning & Incident Response

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Topics Covered:

  • The Need for Emergency Preparedness in Schools
  • Volunteer & Visitor Management
  • Emergency Management Suite
  • ALICE Active Shooter Training
  • Equip Your Schools for the Unthinkable: The Value of a Comprehensive Approach to Safety Planning & Incident Response

You can never fully know if or when an emergency will occur, but you can benefit from the peace of mind found in knowing that you have taken steps to prepare. Download your free copy of this eBook today to get started.